Kari Hardy
Kari has a degree in Communications and a minor in Political
Science. She grew up in a very politically active family and got
started at a very young age in Utah.
Her first job was stuffing envelopes for Senator Orin Hatch’s
campaign kickoff. After volunteering on many local campaigns,
she went on to complete several internships while earning
her degree:
The Utah Republican Party
Utah Governors office, Jon M. Huntsman Jr.
The White House, President George W. Bush
Former Utah Governor & Secretary of H.H.S Michael Leavitt at Leavitt Partners
With a father who ran event management as a senior advanceman for every Republican President since Richard Nixon, she quickly caught the bug. She volunteered as advance representative for President Bush and Vice President Cheney, which took her across the country over a two-year period. Her most memorable trip was with Vice President Cheney in New Mexico on the morning of the economic crash in 2008 – the event had to be canceled and the Vice President was teleconferenced into the event with an amazing first hand look.
Once married, Kari moved to Washington State where she started her fundraising consulting business in 2014. Since then she has worked on dozens of political campaigns from the state and federal level.
In 2022 she moved her family back home to Utah and joined forces with Anitra Zipperer of AZ consulting. They now own and operate Peak Fundraising Partners and run fundraising for Congressmen in both Washington and Utah.
Kari married Cameron Hardy in 2010 and they have 3 beautiful children; Cameron Hardy Jr. whom they lovingly call “Chip” born in 2015, Lillian (2018) and Rose (2022). They live in Mapleton Utah. Cameron loves to ski and Kari bakes in her free time.